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2011 AURCO Journal

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Table of Contents


Editor’s Commentary

Stephen G. P. Nameth


Refereed Papers

Gordon Aubrecht, Ohio State University—Marion and Bill Schmitt, Science Center for Inquiry, Fountain Hills, Arizona
Long-term Observations of Celestial Objects in Middle School Astronomy



Susan A. Baim Miami University—Middletown
Creating a Link with the Community: Developing a Speakers’ Bureau for Undergraduate Business Courses



Miki Crawford Ohio University—Southern
About the Book: Collaboration and Publication



Kelly Frigard and Kim Taylor University of Cincinnati—Clermont
From the Traditional to the Conceptual: The Challenge of Teaching Art Foundations to the Non-Art Major



Jason Hedrick, The Ohio State Univeristy, Dept. of Extension, Greg Homan, Wright State University—Lake, and Jeff Dick, The Ohio State University, Dept. of Extension
Assessing Career And Educational Aspirations of High School Youth And Identifying Trends in Their Perceptions of Small Communities



Janice Rye Klinghorn, Miami University—Middletown, and Eli Nettles, Nashville State Community College
Approaches to Improved Learning in Foundational Courses



Janet L. Marshall and Susan S. Marine Miami University—Middletown
Making Connections: Linking Experiences in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses



Devereaux A. Poling, Frank M. LoSchiavo, and Mark A. Shatz Ohio University—Zanesville
Faculty Success Tips: Adapting to a Regional Campus Microdepartment



Kevin R. Spiker Ohio University —Eastern
Introducing American Government and Politics to Students through a Learning Community

