Table of Contents
Editor’s Commentary |
Jeffrey C. Bauer
Refereed Papers |
Mohannad AL-Saghir ~ Ohio University—Zanesville and Leela Kaul ~ Taylor University—Upland, Indiana
1-12 |
Michael L. Carrafiello Miami University—Hamilton
13-28 |
Charlotte Souers Ohio University—Chillicothe
29-39 |
Suguna Chundur and Cherie Zieleniewski University of Cincinnati—Clermont
41-49 |
Robert A. Cohen Ohio State University—Mansfield
51-60 |
Kitty Consolo Ohio University—Zanesville
61-69 |
Mark S. Cubberley Wright State University—Lake
71-85 |
Frank Dill University of Cincinnati—Raymond Walters
87-96 |
Irene E. Edge and Jeffrey A. Wheeler Kent State University—Ashtabula
97-110 |
Joseph Cavanaugh Wright State University—Lake
111-123 |
Peggy Proudfoot McGuire ~ Salisbury University Department of Social Work Salisbury, Maryland
125-142 |
Vicky K. Parker and Charlotte Souers Ohio University—Chillicothe
143-151 |
Bozena Barbara Widanski and E. Frank Fitch University of Cincinnati—Clermont
153-161 |
Julie E. Yonker and Sarah Cummins-Sebree University of Cincinnati—Raymond Walters
163-172 |
Christine Wolfe and Da Zhang ~ Ohio University—Lancaster and Li Zhou ~ Ohio University—Zanesville
173-185 |
Michelle H. Brodke and Christopher J. Mruk Bowling Green State University—Firelands
187-205 |
Gordon J. Aubrecht, II Ohio State University—Marion
207-216 |
E. “Ted” Bunn Student Excellence Award Winners 2008 - 2009 |
Wayne Kinney University of Cincinnati—Raymond Walters
219-226 |
Michael S. McCullough University of Akron—Waynen
227-236 |
2008 AURCO Conference Plenary Session |
Moderator: Rhonda Pettit University of Cincinnati—Raymond Walters Liberal Arts Education At The Regional Campus: An Open Dialogue Among The Disciplines |
239-252 |