Table of Contents
Editor’s DeskTop |
Arthur A. Molitierno | 1-2 | |
Refereed Papers |
Gordon J. Aubrecht, II, The Ohio State University Marion
4-23 | |
Jeffrey C. Bauer, University of Cincinnati Clermont
24-30 | |
Joe Cavanaugh, H. Roger Full, Martin Kich, Roger McDermott, Wright State University Lake
31-40 | |
Darwin Church, University of Cincinnati Clermont
41-47 | |
Mikiko Ward Crawford, Ohio University Southern
49-56 | |
Mikiko Ward Crawford, Lacey Curtis, Ohio University Southern
57-64 | |
John C. Duncan, Lynn C. Feterle, Charles V. Starkey, Kent State University School of Technology
65-77 | |
Lee Fox-Cardamone, Kent State University Stark Jackie Rose, Wright State University Dayton
78-85 | |
Lee Fox-Cardamone, Kent State University Stark
86-94 | |
Leslie Heaphy, Kent State University Stark
95-102 | |
Brian Hoyt, Mark Stockman, Ohio University Lancaster
103-110 | |
Martin Kich, Wright State University Lake
111-116 | |
Robert A. Klips, The Ohio State University Marion
117-122 | |
Debra L. Lauth, Wright State University Lake
123-127 | |
Niza Licuana, Kent State University Trumbull
128-139 | |
Sharon Tkacz, Kent State University Geauga
140-149 | |
Charles P. Wentz, Kent State University Trumbull
150-157 | |
Conference Papers and Presentations | ||
Diane Feibel, University of Cincinnati Raymond Walters
159-163 | |
Helen W. Joffe, Miami University Hamilton
164-169 | |
Lynn G. Johnson, Edward E. Wachtel, The Ohio State University Mansfield
170-179 | |
Gary J. Lape, University of Cincinnati Clermont
180-185 | |
Debra L. Lauth, Wright State University Lake
186-189 | |
Michelle McCoy, Kent State University Stark
190-194 | |
Jeffrey Nelson, Kent State University Trumbull
195-202 | |
John Wolfe, Faculty, Wright State University Lake Mary Hart, Sally Paden, Students, Wright State University Lake
203-207 | |
Regional College Ads | 209-213 |